Frequently Asked Questions

When will my juices arrive?

Juices are shipped via UPS on Mondays and Tuesdays to ensure they arrive by the end of the week.

Please allow 7-10 days to process orders. This includes gathering produce, juicing, freezing, shipping, and delivery.

How much does shipping cost?

We ship to most states in the US. Your shipping cost will be determined at check out based on your address and weight of your order.

Do you deliver?

We have pick up services locally in Jackson, TN and Brownsville, TN. Review the pick up options and specific locations at check out.

How long does the juice last?

Our juices last 3 days fresh and 24 hours after being thawed. There are no preservatives in our juice, so naturally the shelf life is short.

Your juice is shipped frozen with cold packs. Freezing our juice ensures freshness and preserves it until you drink it.

What if my juice isn’t still frozen when I receive it?

As long as your juice still has ice in it or is cold, it is good to consume immediately or freeze for later consumption.

Why does the juice look separated?

Most fruits and vegetables have high water composition. When the juice settles, the water stays at the top while the heavier parts of the juice stays at the bottom. Just give your juice a good shake, and you are good to go.

Will some of my juices have pulp in them?

Yes, pulp is normal. When our juices are pressed, some of the pulp is passed over into the juice. The pulp is just as healthy for you as the juice itself.

What if my juices arrive damaged?

If your juices arrive damaged, please contact us at

Will this juice cure me?

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

Our products do not guarantee any cures against diseases or ailments. We recommend consulting your doctor if you are experiencing any sickness.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Will this juice make me lose weight?

Our products do not guarantee any weight loss. Our products are meant to support a healthier gut and lifestyle. If you are seeking specific weight loss, we recommend consulting a doctor or nutritionist.