How My Love for Juicing Changed My Life

It all started about 3 years ago when I was struggling with endless acne/breakouts on my face and a gut that was troublesome all of the time. I knew I had to do something, because I just couldn’t take it anymore. Having breakouts all of the time can cause problems with your confidence, and I knew I didn’t want to struggle with that forever.

After trying chemical filled face washes and every home remedy under the sun, I started to do more research on the root problem of gut issues and skin breakouts. I started to learn that your diet had more impact on your gut and your skin than I knew. I learned that certain foods could cause underlining issues, causing a bad gut and skin breakouts. I saw more hoopla about juicing and saw people were getting great results from just drinking natural fruit and vegetable juice. I went to the internet, purchased a juicer, and it was over from there. I juiced fruits and vegetables consistently for a couple of months and started to see a less troublesome gut and progress with my skin. I felt like I had way more energy and just felt so much lighter. Juicing made me feel like I could conquer the world.

I am now 3 years into juicing and 2 years into not eating meat. I can see such a difference in my energy, weight, and confidence. My goal is to transition over to being a vegan next year because I know my body thrives more when I eat clean, whole foods. I would recommend drinking cold pressed juice to anyone. It could literally change your life.