Garden Greens "for a green energy lift"
Why bother with a salad when you can have your greens in a delicious juice – loaded with red apples, green apples, romaine lettuce, spinach, and lime
Why bother with a salad when you can have your greens in a delicious juice – loaded with red apples, green apples, romaine lettuce, spinach, and lime
Why bother with a salad when you can have your greens in a delicious juice – loaded with red apples, green apples, romaine lettuce, spinach, and lime
Ingredients: Green Apples, Red Apples, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Lime
Nutrition Facts (per 12 oz serving)
Calories: ~120
Total Fat: 0g
Sodium: ~15mg
Total Carbohydrates: ~30g
Dietary Fiber: ~1g
Sugars: ~26g
Added Sugars: 0g
Protein: ~1g
Vitamin C: ~30% of Daily Value
Potassium: ~300mg
(Note: These are approximate values based on the ingredients used. Exact nutrition may vary slightly.)
Health Benefits
Garden Greens is a perfectly balanced juice with sweet and earthy flavors, offering a variety of health benefits:
Green & Red Apples: Loaded with antioxidants, supporting heart health and providing natural energy.
Romaine Lettuce: Low-calorie and hydrating, packed with Vitamin A and folate for healthy skin and metabolism.
Spinach: Rich in iron, magnesium, and Vitamin C, promoting energy and immune health.
Lime: Provides a zesty kick, supporting digestion and detoxification.
Freeze juices for up to 2 months to preserve freshness